High Holy Days MusicPage numbers refer to the Liberal Machzor we will use in the services. You should be able to play any these tracks by clicking on a link. However, if your machine complains that it does not have an appropriate application to play MP3 tracks, you can download Quicktime at http://quicktime-download.info/. Tunes are listed in the order in which they occur in the machzor. The leading number on the line indicates the first occurrence; if it is followed by * that indicates that the tune is sung in several places in the services. * HHD Mi Chamocha On several pages - Mi Sinai melody (usual tune) 54 HHD Shehecheyanu 54 HHD melody - transliteration p. 465b 57 Essa Eynai 57 - transliteration p. 465c sheet music 58* HHD Barchu 58 and other pages - Festal tune 59* HHD Shema-Baruch_shem 59 & other pages - transliteration p. 465d 60* HHD_Lemaan Tizkeru 60 top & other pages - HHD tune - transliteration p. 465e 62 HHD_Maariv Kaddish 62 - short Kaddish - transliteration p. 468d 63 Zochreynu 63 bottom of page 66* Vayigbah Adonai 66 & other pages - transliteration p. 467a 74* HHD Aleynu 74 and elsewhere - transliteration p. 468c 79 HHD Yigdal 79 & on Kol Nidrey - slight variants - transliteration p. 470 110* Mechalkel-Mombach 110 & other pages - transliteration p. 466d third line 110 Mi chamocha av harachamim 110 - transliteration p. 466d last four lines 121 Adonai Adonai 121 at the bottom - transliteration on p 467b 141 Unetaneh Tokef 141 & 142 171 Kol Nidrey 436 - Aramaic version - solo sung by Rabbi 174 Venislach 174 - 175 and Ki va yom ha zeh 188 Veshamru-Friedman 188 bottom - tune by Debbie Friedman 195 Yaaleh 195 - 197 Vidduy p197 197 & Ashamnu - not sung antiphonally as usually done 200 Ve-al Kullam 200 - transliteration p. 468b 203 Shema Kolenu 203 - transliteration p.467e |